
Utilizing Your AHS BoardSource Membership

November 12, 2024|Uncategorized|

BoardSource provides tailored, responsive support for organizations of every size and programmatic focus to enhance board leadership and governance practices. As a member of the Alliance for Human Services, you have access to BoardSource’s support and resources.  You and your board have free and unlimited access to consistent and reliable / . . .

2022 Northeast Indiana Nonprofit Salary Survey

June 7, 2022|Uncategorized|

If you accept the premise that better human resource management practices are of vital importance to face the challenges of our communities’ futures, it becomes clear that long-term sustainability and staff retention with competitive wages are inextricably linked. Some organizations’ responses are to do more job advertising while others are / . . .

Racism & Social Justice

October 2, 2020|Human Services, Social Issues|

How human services leaders are dealing with racism and social justice. "Any leader who tells you that they've got it figured out, any organization that tells you that they do it perfectly is not telling you the truth," former NAACP director Ben Jealous said recently in an interview with the / . . .